Friday, May 1, 2009

I am still trying

I really did not plan to leave the blog so tired, but such is life.

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work, you can't seem to shake off the mud that is holding you, stuck in one place? This is how I feel about this whole weight loss process. Some people say they don't like working out on a treadmill because it feels like they aren't going anywhere. I really am not getting anywhere. (I still love having my treadmill). I have been working out for 5 months now and instead of losing any weight I have gained 5 pounds.

Not Fair

I have been working so hard and I am so frustrated. I know there are more ways to improve with my eating, but I really was hoping exercise would at least help in losing weight. I have established the habit of daily exercise, but I want results. I also know I have improved in other areas like endurance and such, but right now it is hard to focus on those things. I am tired of living my life like this. I want to feel strong and beautiful and healthy.
I started training to run a 10K because I needed something else to focus on instead of focusing on my lack of weight loss. I am still training, but it is very difficult. The race is on July 4th and Seth is doing it with me. I am excited to do it because than I can't say it is impossible.
When I was pregnant with Savannah I was diagnosed as hypothyroid, low thyroid production. Which means my body does not make enough thyroid hormone to run the metabolism of the body. Symptoms include weight gain, low energy, dry skin, etc. I have been taking Synthroid ever since. According to the doctors, with the current level of meds, I am within the normal range now. I can't help but wonder if something more needs to be done because I really should be losing weight. But at the same time I know that I am not eating perfectly. It is really hard to be confident enough in my efforts to really push a doctor into doing more to help the problem.
For some strange reason, even without results, I have continued to exercise daily. Of course I have missed days here and there, but I have been really good at exercising. That is actually really hard to say (blog) out loud. For that I am grateful. I don't know how, but the habit is there. It is still not easy, but it is there. Someday the results will come, I hope.


Whitney and Family said...

Hey Jeni-
Maybe you should go see another doctor? I went to a doctor in SL and they tested my blood for EVERYTHING imaginable. The results were very interesting. They help loads of people at their clinic with thyroid problems. Thanfully I didn't have that problem, but I was low in some vitamines. I am now supplimenting with those vitamines and the weight has been easy to loose. It could also be your diet, but I say it couldn't hurt to get a second opinion with the thyroid thing!! There are just so many stories of people I know that struggled to get that under control, but once they did, it made a huge difference. I am WAY proud of you for sticking with the treadmill thing. Way to go, keep up the good work, and good luck figuring everything out!!

Jen I said...

That sucks. Really really sucks. I'm so sorry! That's how I felt last year, nursing the twins, trying to exercise, and just gaining weight. But it FINALLY got better. After 9 months of gaining weight. So you're doing the right thing to stick in there. And I finally really tried to kick it into gear and realize I needed to be a little more uncomfortable exercising - that I did need to push it a little, and I swear when I started adding weights and toning I finally saw a difference. And yeah, as much as I really really hate to admit it, I've heard other friends say too that at our age, it sadly has to be as much if not more diet than exercise. So really, I realized I needed to majorly cut calories to lose. So at times when I'm trying to lose, not just maintain, I really watch my portion size and eat just enough. You do soon realize that you don't need to eat nearly as much as you think. To eat just to fill the hunger doesn't take much. I just like it for the enjoyment usually though! Ugh. Good luck. It will be worth it. Now that it's finally starting to come off, it really does make you feel so much better.