Sunday, January 11, 2009

And So it Begins

After many, and I mean many, months of talking about it we finally bought a treadmill. We looked everywhere, including Craigslist, which isn't very helpful in our area, reading about treadmill after treadmill and decided to buy the Sole F80. I LOVE IT!!!
We purchased it in the beginning of November and received it just after Thanksgiving. I am so happy to record that I have been using it 5 days a week since. YAY!!! It has been so nice being able to stay within my own home and going for a walk/run. My girls have even been so good to let me get my exercise in, with the help of cartoons of course. I am now planning on getting up at 6 am to exercise. I have not lost any weight, actually gained two pounds, but I am still so happy to have the habit building.
One of my other successes so far is - I have actually been able to read my scriptures every day this year. I was reading my scriptures on New Year's day and then the next day and realized I had read every day in 2009, and it continues. I love going from day to day knowing that I have read my scriptures. I don't have to feel guilty about it any more. Some days, I only get a few verses read, but it is becoming a habit. I am so excited and plan to not break the pattern.
I have even noticed a difference in myself lately. I have been able to handle added stress better. I don't get overwhelmed as much. So nice. I know the exercise and scripture reading is the reason. I have more balance in my life and less guilt. That is priceless.


Mumsy said...

Oh...I'm totally jealous of your new toy! I've been looking at the same brand of elliptical trainers. (And hoping someone is giving it away for free on Craigslist. ha!)

Good for you! You are an inspiration to me.

Whitney and Family said...

Way to go!! I am proud of your accomplishments! I too am going to start exercising...I'll let you know how it goes! Keep posting!

Jen I said...

Yay! I'm so glad you bought one. Isn't it the best? SO worth it. Even though we have a gym in our building now, I still wouldn't exercise nearly as much as I do having it in my own living room. (And yes, thank you cartoons for babysitting.) I know it's balance - I just have to get over feeling guilty that that should be Cash's one-on-one time (twins are napping) and instead the tv is on.

I got out of whack reading scriptures a little too, but I actually have really enjoyed reading the conference Ensign while I use our elliptical.